The Body-Worn Camera TTA webinars provide a unique opportunity for law enforcement officers, researchers, and the law enforcement community to learn and discuss topics related to body-worn cameras. The webinars are recorded for you to view on our website at your own convenience. Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions or requests for additional information.
Check out the most recently posted webinar recording:
On Thursday, June 6th the BWCTTA team hosted a “Drivers of BWC Policy Change” webinar. This webinar focused on the policy changes among BWCPIP grantees over time and the reasons for those policy changes. Dr. Michael White, BWCTTA co-director, facilitated the discussion with representatives from two municipality police departments (Seattle, WA; Dallas, TX) and the Washington, D.C. Department of Corrections on how they have navigated policy changes, drivers and frequency.
Dr. White presented on results from a content analysis of 160 BWCPIP grantees' policies, comparing their original BWC policies with their most recent versions. Surveys were also sent to these agencies to understand what motivated changes seen within their policies.
This webinar, held on April 18th, 2024, explored how BWCs have affected courtroom procedures, evidence sharing between prosecutors, public defenders and defense attorneys, and law enforcement partners. The discussion focused on how BWCs have impacted processes within the judiciary system at different stages of the criminal justice process as a whole – from charging and preliminary hearings to plea bargaining and criminal trials. CNA was able to bring in a wide range of perspectives on the topic. Discussion was facilitated by Damon Mosler (ret.) of the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office, and the panel included Judge Ricardo Rigual of the 15th Judicial District Court of Virginia; and Joel Madero and Peter Will, a Deputy District Attorney and a Senior Public Defender from the San Diego County District Attorney’s office.
This webinar focused on academic studies examining how agencies are using BWC metadata. Speakers described their own experiences with how they connect and use that metadata generated from BWCs. Dr. Mike White of Arizona State University (and BWC TTA co-director) facilitated a discussion among a panel of speakers that included Dr. Kayla Freemon (DePaul University), Dr. John McCluskey (Rochester Institute of Technology), Adrian Martin (Rochester, NY PD), Cpt. Brendan Hooke (Fairfax County, VA PD), and Lt. Mike Lentz (BWC Program Manager; Fairfax County, VA PD).
Discussions included defining BWC metadata, emerging promising practices for BWC metadata, how Rochester, NY PD and Fairfax County, VA PD use their metadata, as well as Dr. Freemon's BWC metadata case study with the Phoenix, AZ PD.
In this webinar, Dr. Bryce Peterson and Dr. Brittany Cunningham presented results from a randomized control study on the implementation of BWCs in Loudoun County Adult Detention Center, VA, focused on the impact of BWCs on response to resistance and injuries as well as the comparisons of the use and benefits of BWCs versus stationary cameras. The webinar also featured panelists from Loudoun County Adult Detention Center, Sandusky County, Washington, DC Department of Corrections, and the National Sheriff’s Association, speaking on barriers to and success with adoption and implementation related to policy, safety, evidentiary value, impact, and oversight of BWCs.
Dr. Mike White, co-director of the BWCTTA program, facilitated the panel of speakers after Drs. Peterson and Cunningham presented their results. Drs. Peterson and Cunningham answered 21 questions from the audience, far more than are usually sent in during a webinar. Cpt. Wozniak, Maj. Hatfield, Mr. Collins, and Sheriff Laney offered their perspectives on some of the questions from the audience as well as pre-planned questions from Dr. White.
Dr. Michael D. White, Dr. Brittany C. Cunningham, Dr. Bryce E. Peterson, Cpt. David Wozniak, Maj. Jody Hatfield, Mr. Ben Collins, Sheriff Paul LAney
Administrative policy is the foundation of a successful BWC program, but policy needs to be dynamic. As new issues emerge and technology evolves, law enforcement agencies need to consistently re-evaluate their policy. In this webinar, BWC TTA co-director Dr. Mike White investigates policy change across more than two dozen issues among 160 law enforcement agencies.
Dr. White's analysis focuses on the prevalence of policy change, which issues change, and which remain stable. Speakers from three different agencies (Des Moines, IA PD; Houston, TX PD; San Antonio, TX PD) will also provide their thoughts as to how their agency's policy has changed, and most importantly, why it has changed over time.
The webinar included presentations and guidance from three Prosecuting Attorney Offices (Mahaska County, IA; Shelby County, TN; Orange County, CA) on how BWC footage can be used as evidence across the workflows for which prosecutors are responsible, including charging decisions, support for grand jury and preliminary hearings, and eventual use in trial. We also heard how they manage all digital evidence received from their law enforcement partners, followed by Q&A moderated by retired DA Damon Mosler.
Damon Mosler, Amy Tallakson, Andrew Ritland, Karen Cook
Webinar: FY 2023 BJA Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program (BWCPIP) to Support Law Enforcement Agencies Solicitation
This webinar provided a detailed overview of the FY2023 BWCPIP solicitation and allowed an opportunity for interested applicants to ask questions.
The BWCPIP is a competitive grant program intended to provide funding to law enforcement and state correctional agencies seeking to purchase or lease body-worn cameras (BWCs) in order to establish or expand comprehensive body-worn camera initiatives. Funding is also available for law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies with existing body-worn camera programs to improve their digital evidence management.
The webinar explored the overall management of critical incidents and the role that BWCs have within that incident management. The main purpose of the webinar was to provide guidance on the essential aspects of managing a critical incident and share insight on how agencies work with each other throughout the aftermath of a critical incident. Subject matter expert Christian Quinn provided his perspective as a retired law enforcement official. Representatives from the Garfield, NJ Police Department and neighboring Bergen County, NJ Prosecutor’s Office discussed the role of BWCs in forensics and the investigation of a critical incident, how prosecutors use BWCs following that incident, and the role of BWCs in ensuring that lessons are learned following the incident.
Elliot Harkavy, Dr. James "Chip" Coldren, Brian Porco, Michael Phillips, Matt Finck
This webinar will provide a brief overview of the BWCPIP program goals. The main purpose of the webinar is to orient your agency personnel to the programmatic, financial, and administrative requirements of the grant, as well as to the training and technical assistance (TTA) elements of the grant. Both grant administration and TTA will be vital to successful completion of your BWCPIP grant. Our goal is to make the grant initiation process as smooth as possible. The orientation webinar will provide information to clarify the distinct, yet complementary, roles of BJA staff will play in the administration of your grant, and the roles that CNA staff will play in delivering TTA.
This webinar highlighted the importance of good BWC policy as a foundation for a good BWC program. Dr. Mike White from Arizona State University reviewed findings from the recently released 6th edition of their BWC policy analysis. Featured guests Mark Smith and Inspector Cecilia Ashe weighed in by describing their approach to policy development and their positions on key policy issues. Dr. White described ongoing and emerging trends across a dozen different policy issues.
Dr. Michael D. White, Mark Smith, Inspector Cecilia Ashe
This webinar provided guidance for potential applicants to the Bureau of Justice Assistance's FY 2022 Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program (BWC PIP) to Support Law Enforcement Agencies grant solicitation.
The BWC PIP is a competitive grant program intended to provide funding to law enforcement agencies seeking to purchase or lease body-worn cameras (BWCs) in order to establish or expand comprehensive body-worn camera initiatives. Applicants will be required to submit a specific plan to implement this technology in a manner that maximizes the benefits of BWCs. Funding can be used to support pilot BWC programs, establish new BWC implementations, or expand existing programs.
This webinar is part 2 in a series that explores in greater depth the results discussed in a 2021 BWC Research Convening. That meeting brought together a dozen researchers to discuss the latest in topics, findings, and challenges in BWC research. These webinars center on a more intensive public presentation and discussion of the themes that emerged from that Research Convening. This webinar features Dr. Jessica Huff from the University of Nebraska, Omaha, Dr. Eric Piza of John Jay College, and Dr. Vaughn Crichlow from Florida Atlantic University.
Drs. Michael D. White, Jessica Huff, Eric Piza, Vaughn Crichlow
The webinar provided a brief overview of the BWCPIP program goals. The main purpose of the webinar was to orient agency personnel to the programmatic, financial, and administrative requirements of the grant, as well as to the training and technical assistance elements of the grant. Both grant administration and TTA will be vital to successful completion of a BWCPIP grant. Our goal is to make the grant initiation process as smooth as possible.
The orientation webinar provided information to clarify the distinct, yet complementary, roles of that BJA staff will play in the administration of this grant, and the roles that CNA staff will play in delivering TTA.
This webinar explored the latest research on the effect of BWCs on organizational and individual outcomes. Dr. Mike White provided introductory remarks, and Dr. Charles Katz facilitated the session. Speakers, Dr. Jennifer Wood (Temple University), Dr. Joel Miller (Rutgers University), and Dr. John McCluskey (Rochester Institute for Technology), presented on their most recent body-worn camera research findings. Dr. Wood’s project, titled “Behaving better in front of the lens: Possibilities of change according to police and residents in Philadelphia”; Dr. Miller’s project, titled “Do Police Body-Worn Cameras (BWCs) Reduce Citizen Fatalities? Results of a country-wide natural experiment”; and Dr. McCluskey’s project, titled “Video Data Analysis and Police Body-Worn Camera Footage” contribute to our broader knowledgebase surrounding the effects of BWCs across a range of outcomes.
Dr. Mike White, Dr. Chuck Katz, Dr. Jennifer Wood, Dr. Joel Miller, Dr. John McCluskey
At this point in our experience with body-worn camera (BWC) implementation, agencies are realizing the potential of utilizing BWC footage beyond evidentiary purposes.
This webinar focuses on the innovative work of two agencies to incorporate body-worn camera (BWC) footage into different officer trainings. Dr. Mike White of Arizona State University facilitated this panel, which included Captain Kevin Lutz of the Camden County (NJ) PD, and Commander Dane Sorensen of the Tempe (AZ) PD. All of the spoke on how BWC footage can be used for training and evaluation purposes, providing videos that they have shown to their agencies and what these videos have been used to teach officers.
Dr. Michael D. White; Captain Kevin Lutz; Commander Dane Sorensen
This webinar provided guidance for potential applicants to the Bureau of Justice Assistance's FY 2021 Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program (BWC PIP) to Support Law Enforcement Agencies grant solicitation.
The BWC PIP is a competitive grant program intended to provide funding to law enforcement agencies seeking to purchase or lease body-worn cameras (BWCs) in order to establish or expand comprehensive body-worn camera initiatives. Applicants will be required to submit a specific plan to implement this technology in a manner that maximizes the benefits of BWCs. Funding can be used to support pilot BWC programs, establish new BWC implementations, or expand existing programs.
John Markovic, the Senior Policy Advisor from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, discussed the purpose and goals of this funding opportunity; reviewed eligibility requirements; discussed the application process; and highlighted useful resources to assist in applying.
There were a wide variety of questions posed throughout the webinar that we unfortunately did not have time to address. We've attached answers from John Markovic here.
This was the second of two webinars that focused on BWC footage as a form of digital evidence. For this webinar, we examined how BWC footage is used after a critical incident and how footage is used within the criminal justice system. The panel was facilitated by Dr. Shellie Solomon, CEO, Justice and Security Strategies (JSS), and consisted of representatives from a police agency, two prosecutors, a former police executive, and a researcher.
The panelists discussed how footage is used after a critical incident, like an officer-involved shooting, protests, and uses of force, and how prosecutor offices obtain, review, and use footage for its cases.
Dr. Shellie Solomon; Dr. Craig Uchida; Mr. Arif Alikhan, Mr. Kalpesh Chotai, Ms. Jennifer Hyatt, Mr. David Vidaure
This webinar provided an overview of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Body-Worn Camera (BWC) Policy and Implementation Program (PIP) after six years of operation, drawing on the experiences of grant program personnel, public safety executives whose agencies have received funding, and training and technical assistance providers who have helped guide the program from its inception. The discussion highlighted how agencies have used BWC funding and TTA to build successful and comprehensive BWC programs. Discussion focused briefly on the origins of BWC PIP, its evolution, and directions for the future
Kristen Mahoney, Michael White, Craig Uchida, Chief Michel Moore, Chief Gordon Ramsay, Nicholas R. Murphy
This webinar focused on BWC footage as a form of digital evidence and how agencies are leveraging and managing large volumes of digital evidence media (DEM) being generated by BWCs. The panel consisted of representatives from three police agencies and a researcher. A facilitator asked specific questions about how agencies are managing large volumes of DEM data; what metrics are being used to measure DEM impact; how tagging and categorizing of footage is being done; how footage is used within a police agency for investigation and training; and how requests for footage from the media and the public are handled
Dr. Shellie Solomon; Dr. Craig Uchida; Sgt. Armand Lemoyne; Mr. Mian Saladeen; Ms. Michelle Stern
During this webinar, we discussed challenges and lessons learned from implementing BWCs in a small agency, focusing on agency personnel responsible for implementing the BWC technology. BWC TTA Senior Advisor, Tom Woodmansee, facilitated a conversation with three BWC TTA leads—Assistant Chief Orlando Cuevas (ret.), Director Geoff Smith (ret.), and Shellie Solomon—discussing technology-related implementation topics and challenges such as testing and evaluation, legacy technology considerations, and vendor selection. The panelists also discussed ways they have seen agencies overcome these challenges.
Tom Woodmansee, Senior Advisor; Assistant Chief Orlando Cuevas (ret.); Director Geoff Smith (ret.); and Shellie Solomon
In the second of two webinars on this topic, Dr. Michael White facilitated a discussion on BWCs during protests, speaking with two smaller police departments on their experiences. He also discussed the results from the survey, with a focus on smaller agencies and the impact BWCs have had on them.
Dr. Michael White, Arizona State University, BWC TTA PIP Co-Director; Assistant Chief Lynn Waterworth, Jonesboro, AR; Captain Wes Milam, Fort Smith, AR
Participants in this webinar discussed the results from a recently administered survey to BWC PIP sites, experiences policing protests in their jurisdiction, and the principles of effectively policing protests, while reviewing how BWCs can help agencies achieve those principles.
Dr. Michael White, Arizona State University, BWC TTA PIP Co-Director; Dr. Ed Maguire, Arizona State University Professor, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice; Assistant Chief Jeffery Carroll, Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department
This webinar provided insights and experiences regarding how law enforcement agencies and their officers and deputies wearing body-worn cameras overcame the ‘Big Brother’ fear. We discussed how the entire implementation process can make a difference generating ‘buy in’ from officers and deputies. We learned from the Atlanta, GA, Police Department and the Berkeley County, SC, Sheriff’s Office how their departments have overcome this concern. They highlighted the experiences they have had in their BWC programs, including their rollout phase and how they have improved officer buy-in and officer perceptions, as well as how they have alleviated the big brother fear.
Chief Harold Medlock, Fayetteville Police Department (ret.) and BWC TTA Lead; Major Leanne Browning, Atlanta Police Department; and Inspector Dan Isgett, Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office
David Lewis, BJA Senior Policy Advisor, and Gerardo Velazquez, State Policy Advisor, presented a webinar to review the 2020 solicitation guidelines. They provided a detailed explanation of the application requirements and answered specific questions.
During this webinar, presenters discussed how to strike the proper balance between compliance and discipline. They provided insights and imparted experiences regarding how body-worn camera programs may impact police agencies as they relate to auditing BWC Programs for compliance. This webinar consisted of a panel of three experts from different sized agencies, who discussed their experiences with body worn camera compliance reviews.
Scot Haug, Rodney Monroe, Captain Jeff Spiess, and Dan Zehnder
During this webinar, correctional agencies that have deployed BWCs presented on how they are using BWCs, the benefits of using BWCs, and lessons learned. Panelists discussed many ways in which corrections agencies use BWCs differently than traditional law enforcement agencies.
Lieutenant Dan Brodie, Deputy Director Wes Kirkland, and First Deputy Superintendent Scott Kelly
The webinar provided insights and experiences regarding how body-worn camera programs have or have not impacted police agencies as they relate to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Panelists discussed several ways that BWC programs can incorporate HIPAA language.
Damon Mosler, Chief Elizabeth Hall, and Dr. Greg Marchand
This webinar focused on FY19 New Grantees, provided an overview of grant requirements and processes, and introduced the training and technical assistance (TTA) resources team from CNA. The webinar clarified roles to help the agency personnel get oriented working with BJA and CNA. The main purpose of the webinar was to orient agency personnel to the programmatic, financial, and administrative requirements of the grant, as well as to the TTA elements of the grant. It also provided information to clarify the distinct, yet complementary, roles that BJA staff will play in the administration of the grant, and the roles that CNA staff will play in delivering TTA.
John Markovic, Gerardo Velazquez, James “Chip” Coldren, Jr., Denise Rodriguez
This webinar focused on the perspectives and experiences of Assistant District Attorneys (ADAs) and Public Defenders (PDs) about the role BWC video footage plays in their respective work streams. Panelists discussed several benefits and disadvantages of the use of BWCs in a court of law, focusing on the context of time, expectations, and anticipated consequences. The webinar focused on research from three sites: Monroe County, New York; San Diego County, California; and Travis County, Texas.
Dr. Craig Uchida, Deputy District Attorney Damon Mosler, Dr. John McCluskey, Dr. Nick Robertson, District Attorney Jennifer Hyatt
This webinar focused on sustaining and growing BWC programs after the first year of implementation and after receiving approval of the BWC policy development process. During this webinar, panelists discussed succession planning and annual considerations for ensuring a successful BWC program and the inclusion of stakeholders throughout the BWC program. Participants heard from sites who discussed the evolution of their BWC program, the challenges encountered, and successes realized in such areas as deployment, training, officer and community acceptance, and more.
Elliot Harkavy, Pat O’Donnell, Albert Handy, Calvin Moss
John Markovic, BJA Senior Policy Advisor, and Gerardo Velazquez, State Policy Advisor, presented a webinar to review the 2019 solicitation guidelines. They provided a detailed explanation of the application requirements and answered specific questions.
This webinar focused on addressing the challenges that agencies and officers can experience when initially implementing a BWC program, especially regarding officer concerns, questions, and hesitations. Panelists highlighted the importance of having officers directly involved in the initial processes when an agency is considering implementing BWCs. The webinar also demonstrated how BWCs can benefit officers in a variety of areas, including officer safety, validating the decision to use force, affecting and even reducing citizen complaints, and promoting the good work that officers perform every day.
Tom Woodmansee, Janne Gaub, Adam Bell, Ken Roske, Sean Smoot
Digital evidence integration is a process which optimally compiles videos, photographs, electronic files, and other digital data into a common repository or system so that the evidence can be viewed holistically, in one place, for a common evidentiary view of a given case. Digital evidence may include, but is not limited to, the following: body-worn camera video, in-car video, automated license plate readers, etc. During this webinar, participants heard from sites who discussed their experiences with digital evidence integration, the challenges they faced, the benefits they have experienced, and lessons learned for other agencies looking to do the same. Deputy District Attorney and BWC TTA Lead, Damon Mosler, discussed how digital evidence management impacts the prosecutor's office. Participants gained a better understanding of digital evidence integration as well the potential best practices to follow when using this approach.
John Markovic, James “Chip” Coldren, Damon Mosler, Elliot Harkavy, Michael Knuppel, Renee Cobb, Adam Kisthardt, Pat Rigdon, Damon Mosler, and Dan Zehnder
This webinar served as an orientation to the FY18 Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program. The intent of this grant program is to help agencies develop, implement, and manage a BWC program as one tool in a law enforcement agency’s comprehensive problem-solving approach to enhance officer interactions with the public, combat crime, and build community trust. During the webinar sites heard from BJA and the training and technical assistance (TTA) provider, CNA Corporation and was also provided introductions of the BJA grant administrators and a brief overview of grant administration requirements.
John Markovic, Gerardo Velazquez, James “Chip” Coldren, Michael White, and Craig Uchida
Integration of BWC and CAD systems can provide agencies with more streamlined information. During this webinar, participants got a chance to hear from sites who discussed their experiences with integrating CAD data into their BWC systems, the challenges they faced in combining both systems, the benefits they have experienced, and lessons learned for other agencies looking to do the same. Participants were able to gain a better understanding of this technology as well as the potential best practices to follow when integrating these technologies.
John Markovic, Denise Rodriguez, Elliot Harkavy, Sergeant Robert Lisotta, Lieutenant Lilly Hotard, and Captain William Brown
This webinar examined several issues related to regional approaches to BWC program design and implementation, including the benefits from a regional approach, compromises that will likely need to be made, and planning considerations. The webinar featured a brief presentation on general issues regarding regional models in law enforcement, presentations from several BWC PIP sites that have successfully implemented regional BWC programs, and provided an overview of the key considerations that agencies should attend to during the planning phase of a regional BWC implementation.
John Markovic, Thomas Woodmansee, Jeremy Ihler, Joseph Durso, Karl Knott, Dr. Craig Uchida
This webinar featured National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) Executive Director Nelson Bunn and San Diego Deputy District Attorney and subject expert Damon Mosler. They discussed topics that police departments and prosecutors’ offices should consider during BWC planning and implementation, as well as ways to keep prosecutors involved in the BWC discussion after implementation is complete. In addition to the insights provided by Nelson Bunn and Damon Mosler, the Hogansville, GA, Police Department provided lessons learned and best practices from their experience coordinating with their prosecutor’s office during and after BWC implementation.
John Markovic, James "Chip" Coldren, Nelson Bunn, Damon Mosler, Jeff Shepard, and Michelle Toth
This webinar focused on the use of BWCs beyond the police patrol function. In addition to police patrol functions, BWCs are being implemented in a variety of contexts including in courtrooms, city services agencies, schools, and university settings. During this webinar, BWC TTA Partner, Arizona State University (ASU), reviewed the findings from their report on the use of body-worn cameras in environments outside of the law enforcement setting. Representatives from BJA Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program sites discussed the challenges and benefits of deploying BWCs within these environments.
Tom Woodmansee, Dr. Janne Gaub, Robert Woosley, Erik Villarreal, Ed Book
This webinar provided information about how and why it is important to educate the community on the limitations and benefits of Body-Worn Cameras (BWCs). It also discussed the many considerations that must be taken into account when releasing BWC footage, including privacy concerns, victims’ rights, and on-going investigation needs.
John Markovic, Thomas Woodmansee, Brian White, Laura McElroy, and Harold Medlock
This webinar presented research findings on the impacts of body worn cameras from several selected studies. Early research studies demonstrated that BWCs could generate reductions in both citizen complaints and police use of force. Other studies have shown BWCs can enhance prosecution outcomes and that the technology is supported by both police officers and citizens. Though recent research has had mixed findings on BWC effects on use of force, complaints, and other outcomes, the body of literature on BWCs still characterizes their effect as largely positive, and ongoing research will play an important role in the technology’s continued diffusion.
Mike White, John Markovic, James "Chip" Coldren, and Anita Ravishankar
This webinar reviewed the key trends identified in our review of over 125 BWC PIP policies. Administrative policy review is a central feature of TTA. The TTA team developed a BWC policy review process to assess the comprehensiveness of BWC policies through a BWC Policy Review Scorecard. Because the policy review process assesses comprehensiveness only and is not prescriptive, agencies vary in the way they deal with specific key issues.
Mike White, Damon Mosler, John Markovic, James "Chip" Coldren, and Chief Ed Book
This webinar served as an orientation to the FY17 Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Body-Worn Camera Policy Implementation Grant Program. During this webinar, sites heard from BJA and the training and technical assistance (TTA) provider, CNA Corporation. The webinar also familiarized the sites with the goals of the program, the role and value of TTA, provided introductions of the BJA grant administrators, and also gave a brief overview of grant administration requirements.
John Markovic, Lauren Troy, Gerardo Velazquez, James "Chip" Coldren, Michael White, and Craig Uchida
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) launched the Body-Worn Camera Policy Implementation Project (PIP) in FY 2015 to assist law enforcement agencies with the enhancement or implementation of Body-Worn Camera (BWC) initiatives. The primary goals of PIP are to improve public safety, reduce crime, and improve public trust between police and the citizens they serve. This webinar showcased the progress and lessons learned from three FY15 BWC PIP sites. Representatives from San Antonio, TX, Colorado Springs, CO, and Elgin, IL police departments discussed their reasons for implementing BWCs, the importance of developing a comprehensive policy, how they overcame implementation challenges, and how the BWCTTA was able to assist them in this process.
J. Patrick McCreary, Denise Rodriguez, Wayne Alsup, Ana Lalley, and James Patrick Rigdon
We are learning that the implementation of body worn camera (BWC) technology involves more than just the introduction of new technology into law enforcement. The implementation of body-worn cameras is complex and should involve other justice stakeholders such as prosecutors and defense attorneys. Some of the more important issues for police agencies as the implement their BWC programs are the sharing and transferring of video footage while maintaining a chain of custody, accurate resource planning, and understanding how to best use BWC footage for screening cases and/or charges. This webinar provided participants with varying approaches to these issues from the perspective of both prosecutors and defense attorneys.
John Markovic, Thomas Woodmansee, Kristine Hamann, Damon Mosler, and Erika Bierma
Implementing body-worn cameras in a police agency has an impact on virtually every key aspect of police operations, including training. With the growing adoption of body-worn cameras, the need for effective law enforcement training is paramount to help ensure that officers have the necessary knowledge and tools to confront the difficult tasks they encounter on a daily basis. This webinar discusses a list of considerations and resources presented by our panelist that will serve as helpful information in support of this challenge. In addition Dr. Charles Katz, Professor at Arizona State University and BWC TTA Subject Matter Expert discussed the BWC TTA Training Guide, which will assist agencies as they develop their BWC training.
John Markovic, Dr. Charles Katz, Commander James Henning, and Captain Daniel Zehnder
This webinar, hosted by BWC TTA partner, Arizona State University (ASU), reviewed the findings from their recently released report on the use of body-worn cameras in specialized units. This webinar also included representatives from local law enforcement agencies who described their experiences in implementing BWCs in non-patrol units.
Dr. Michael White, Dr. Jane Gaub, Commander Noah Johnson, Lieutenant John Leon, Assistant Chief Michael Petti
We are learning that the implementation of body worn camera (BWC) technology involves more than the introduction of new technology into law enforcement. Full implementation of BWCs in a police agency affects key areas of operations and administration, as well as internal and external stakeholders, in significant ways. This webinar discussed research findings about video analytics, and its hidden risks as well as the advantages of available technology. In addition key components of video redaction were presented by subject matter experts in the field.
Craig Uchida, Todd Maxwell, Commander Pat Rigdon, Tom Woodmansee
This webinar discusses different approaches, and best practices to body worn camera (BWC) implementation. Representatives from small police agencies discussed important issues as: RFP process, policy considerations, officer concerns, and training.
Lieutenant William Kushina, Training Officer Erik Villarreal, Major Ken Caldwell
External input into the development of body worn camera policies, including justice system and community stakeholders, is a cornerstone of the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s Body Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program (PIP). This webinar discussed principles and practices regarding police-community collaboration, and how these relate to BWC policy development. Several funded PIP sites;Camden County, New Jersey, Police Department, Dinwiddie County, Virginia's Sheriff's Police Department and Beaverton, Oregon Police Department contributed information regarding how they worked with community groups to inform their BWC policy development.
Hildy Saizow, Captain Albert Handy, Major William Knott, Captain Eric Oathes
This webinar discusses different approaches to how police agencies monitor compliance to body worn camera (BWC) policy, and how they manage non-compliance to BWC policy. Representatives from Corpus Christi Police Department, New Orleans Police Department, San Antonio Police Department and Las Vegas Metropolitain Police Department discussed important issues as: how to audit and monitor compliance to BWC policy, adjustments to monitoring over time, variations in responses to officer non-compliance, and constraints due to vendor provisions for monitoring data.
Dr. Michael White, Commander Todd Green, Sergeant Kevin Seuzeneau, Captain Daniel Zehnder