Procurement and Budgeting

Resources about Budgeting and Procurement Issues

How To Buy Body-Worn Cameras: Key steps for product selection, purchasing, and implementation

Never in the history of law enforcement has the American public so vehemently demanded police adopt a technology or device as they have for body-worn cameras (BWCs). Citizens see the technology as ensuring greater visibility into their police force – especially in the case of use-of-force incidents.

Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program FY21 New Grantee Webinar

The webinar provided a brief overview of the BWCPIP program goals. The main purpose of the webinar was to orient agency personnel to the programmatic, financial, and administrative requirements of the grant, as well as to the training and technical assistance elements of the grant. Both grant administration and TTA will be vital to successful completion of a BWCPIP grant. Our goal is to make the grant initiation process as smooth as possible.

BWC Vendor Acquisition Guide

Since the inception of the BWCPIP program in 2015, CNA’s training and technical assistance (TTA) team has worked with hundreds of BWCPIP grantees. The CNA TTA team has worked closely with all types of agencies—large and small, urban, suburban, and rural. CNA has provided TTA to sheriffs’ departments, tribal law enforcement, university police, transportation authority police, school police departments, and park police. CNA has also assisted agencies in implementing BWC programs in county jails and with state correctional agencies. 

Options for Body-Worn Camera Placement: A Tool for Mount Locations

Several different mount configurations are available for body-worn cameras (BWCs). These mounts can be used with a wide variety of uniforms to hold the camera to officers' or deputies' shirts, patrol vests, hats, or jackets. The red dots on the uniform below correspond to different locations you may choose to mount your BWCs, with benefits and limitations of each location detailed in the following pages.

BWC Field Testing & Evaluation Form

The BWC TTA team has just released a new resource: BWC Field Testing & Evaluation Form. This resource will help agencies evaluate the performance and suitability of different models of body-worn cameras (BWCs). The Field Testing Form (an Excel workbook) includes multiple tabs for field testers to record ratings of different aspects of BWCs, across different brands. As agencies implementing BWCs may consider many different aspects, the Testing and Evaluation Resource should be adapted to meet your agency's needs.

BWC Impacts on Staffing and Workload: Voices from the Field

Implementing, expanding, or updating a body-worn camera (BWC) program comes with important considerations and a number of challenges. One particular challenge is that BWCs increase workloads and, thus, staffing needs. When it comes to BWC programs, agencies frequently ask, “Are additional personnel going to be required, and, if so, how do I determine the level of increase and justify the associated expense?”