
Resources about Research on BWCs and Related Issues

An Examination of Body-Worn Camera Digital Evidence Management (DEM) Strategies: 2nd edition

Over the last few years, thousands of law enforcement agencies in the United States have adopted body-worn cameras (BWCs), and they have subsequently had to deal with the tremendous amount of digital evidence generated by the technology. Digital evidence management (DEM) is the process by which an agency manages, stores, shares, and integrates the data generated by BWCs and other imaging devices (e.g., dashboard cameras, license plate readers (LPRs), cell phones). Addressing DEM is a critical feature of a successful BWC program.

Drivers of BWC Policy Change

On Thursday, June 6th the BWCTTA team hosted a “Drivers of BWC Policy Change” webinar. This webinar focused on the policy changes among BWCPIP grantees over time and the reasons for those policy changes. Dr. Michael White, BWCTTA co-director, facilitated the discussion with representatives from two municipality police departments (Seattle, WA; Dallas, TX) and the Washington, D.C. Department of Corrections on how they have navigated policy changes, drivers and frequency. 

Changes in Body-Worn Camera Policy Over Time: An Analysis of US Department of Justice–Funded BWC Policy and Implementation Program Law Enforcement Agencies

Since 2015, the CNA Corporation and Arizona State University have provided training and technical assistance (TTA) to law enforcement agencies that have received funding for body-worn cameras (BWCs) through the US Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance BWC Policy and Implementation Program (BWCPIP). Administrative policy review is a central feature of the TTA provided to the BWCPIP sites.

State and Federal Collaboration in Body-Worn Camera Implementation: Pennsylvania's Phased Approach

The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) is statutorily authorized to undertake criminal and juvenile justice planning, coordination, and policy analysis. PCCD serves as the State Administrating Agency (SAA) that provides the state with a central source of planning, statistical analysis, and program development for the improvement of the state’s justice system. As the SAA, PCCD administers state and federal grant programs.

Working with BWC Metadata

This webinar focused on academic studies examining how agencies are using BWC metadata. Speakers described their own experiences with how they connect and use that metadata generated from BWCs. Dr. Mike White of Arizona State University (and BWC TTA co-director) facilitated a discussion among a panel of speakers that included Dr. Kayla Freemon (DePaul University), Dr. John McCluskey (Rochester Institute of Technology), Adrian Martin (Rochester, NY PD), Cpt. Brendan Hooke (Fairfax County, VA PD), and Lt.

BWCPIP Site TTA One-Pager

The Body-Worn Camera (BWC) Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Program offers several means of supporting the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s (BJA) BWC Policy and Implementation Program (BWCPIP) grantees to achieve their BWC program goals and desired outcomes. TTA is also available to agencies that are not BWCPIP grantee when the topic is relevant and resources are available to address those agencies’ needs.

Access this resource here.

BWC Effects on Organizational and Individual Outcomes: Findings from the Latest Research, Pt. II

This webinar is part 2 in a series that explores in greater depth the results discussed in a 2021 BWC Research Convening. That meeting brought together a dozen researchers to discuss the latest in topics, findings, and challenges in BWC research. These webinars center on a more intensive public presentation and discussion of the themes that emerged from that Research Convening. This webinar features Dr. Jessica Huff from the University of Nebraska, Omaha, Dr. Eric Piza of John Jay College, and Dr. Vaughn Crichlow from Florida Atlantic University.