
Resources about Policy

BWCPIP FY22 New Grantee Webinar

This webinar will provide a brief overview of the BWCPIP program goals. The main purpose of the webinar is to orient your agency personnel to the programmatic, financial, and administrative requirements of the grant, as well as to the training and technical assistance (TTA) elements of the grant. Both grant administration and TTA will be vital to successful completion of your BWCPIP grant. Our goal is to make the grant initiation process as smooth as possible.

Corrections1 Guide: How To Buy Body-Worn Cameras

This Corrections1 How to Buy Body-Worn Cameras (BWCs) guide can serve as a starting point for your correctional agency's body-worn camera purchasing process. Please note, this is not an exhaustive list of all issues that should be considered when purchasing BWCs. Work with any necessary internal and external stakeholders involved with your agency to determine what you want to achieve by acquiring BWCs.

Webinar: Key Trends in Body-Worn Camera Policy and Practice: A Six-Year Analysis

This webinar highlighted the importance of good BWC policy as a foundation for a good BWC program. Dr. Mike White from Arizona State University reviewed findings from the recently released 6th edition of their BWC policy analysis. Featured guests Mark Smith and Inspector Cecilia Ashe weighed in by describing their approach to policy development and their positions on key policy issues. Dr. White described ongoing and emerging trends across a dozen different policy issues.

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast”: An in-depth examination of police officer perceptions of body-worn camera implementation and their relationship to policy, supervision, and training

Research Summary: This study uses interviews with 23 police officers from a small police department to conduct an in-depth examination of their perceptions of three critical but understudied areas related to body-worn camera programs: the implementation and policy-making process, supervision, and training. The focus is on understanding the factors which contribute to, or undermine, body-worn camera integration and acceptance.

Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program FY21 New Grantee Webinar

The webinar provided a brief overview of the BWCPIP program goals. The main purpose of the webinar was to orient agency personnel to the programmatic, financial, and administrative requirements of the grant, as well as to the training and technical assistance elements of the grant. Both grant administration and TTA will be vital to successful completion of a BWCPIP grant. Our goal is to make the grant initiation process as smooth as possible.

An Examination of Body-Worn Camera Digital Evidence Management (DEM) Strategies

Over the last few years, thousands of law enforcement agencies in the United States have adopted body-worn cameras (BWCs), and those agencies immediately had to deal with the tremendous amount of digital evidence generated by the technology. Digital evidence management (DEM) is the process by which an agency manages, stores, and transmits the data generated by BWCs and other devices (e.g., other types of cameras, cell phones). DEM is a critically important feature of a successful BWC program.

Optimizing Body-Worn Cameras to Enhance Common Police Practices and Field Investigations

As more police agencies have adopted BWCs on their own initiative, and at least seven states have recently moved to mandate their use, BWCs are becoming a permanent fixture for the majority of police agencies. As BWCs continue to garner widespread support across varied segments of the public and of law enforcement, the benefits of this technology are becoming firmly established and agencies are demonstrating novel ways to use BWCs to improve policing.

Managing Digital Evidence from Body-Worn Cameras: Case Studies in Seven Sites

Digital Evidence Management (DEM) encompasses a wide variety of devices, technologies, tools, and data, particularly as they relate to the criminal justice system (Goodison, Davis, and Jackson, 2015). This report is about body-worn cameras (BWCs) and the digital evidence (footage) created by the technology. The main purpose of the study is to understand and explain the key challenges faced by law enforcement agencies and prosecutor offices as they use BWCs routinely.

BWC Vendor Acquisition Guide

Since the inception of the BWCPIP program in 2015, CNA’s training and technical assistance (TTA) team has worked with hundreds of BWCPIP grantees. The CNA TTA team has worked closely with all types of agencies—large and small, urban, suburban, and rural. CNA has provided TTA to sheriffs’ departments, tribal law enforcement, university police, transportation authority police, school police departments, and park police. CNA has also assisted agencies in implementing BWC programs in county jails and with state correctional agencies.