
BWCPIP Site TTA One-Pager

The Body-Worn Camera (BWC) Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Program offers several means of supporting the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s (BJA) BWC Policy and Implementation Program (BWCPIP) grantees to achieve their BWC program goals and desired outcomes. TTA is also available to agencies that are not BWCPIP grantee when the topic is relevant and resources are available to address those agencies’ needs.

Access this resource here.

Corrections1 Guide: How To Buy Body-Worn Cameras

This Corrections1 How to Buy Body-Worn Cameras (BWCs) guide can serve as a starting point for your correctional agency's body-worn camera purchasing process. Please note, this is not an exhaustive list of all issues that should be considered when purchasing BWCs. Work with any necessary internal and external stakeholders involved with your agency to determine what you want to achieve by acquiring BWCs.

How To Buy Body-Worn Cameras: Key steps for product selection, purchasing, and implementation

Never in the history of law enforcement has the American public so vehemently demanded police adopt a technology or device as they have for body-worn cameras (BWCs). Citizens see the technology as ensuring greater visibility into their police force – especially in the case of use-of-force incidents.