Body-Worn Camera Market Survey

A Market Survey on Body-Worn Camera Technologies


National Institute of Justice (NIJ), The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, 2016

Title Page
Source: National Institute of Justice

There has been a dramatic increase in the criminal justice use of body worn cameras (BWCs) in the last few years. As a result of governmental and news media scrutiny of law enforcement interactions with the public, many think that BWCs have the potential benefit of increased legitimacy and accountability for both citizens and the law enforcement community. Since then, commercially available BWCs have flooded the market. There are now over 60 different body worn cameras produced specifically for law enforcement use. The National Institutes of Justice (NIJ) is interested in learning about existing BWC technologies and other considerations for integrating BWC into current systems. The purpose of this document is to report the results of a BWC market survey. Commercial BWC information is aggregated and summarized to aid law enforcement officers and public safety practitioners in the planning, acquisition, and implementation of this technology. This paper provides methodology for developing the market survey and results from the market survey.


You can read this report online here.

You can view updated camera information here.